Friday, August 28, 2009

Dawn vs. Dusk

Out of a sudden, just feel like posting a post about this.
I definitely prefer dawn than dusk.
Even though both of them give no big difference from sight view,
Somehow, there's a big, huge difference between them.

Dawn kinda gives me the feeling of hope, rebirth, start of something new..


While dusk,
Seems to be the end for the day, twilight year, hopeless and alone..


Both of them are just too short to behold~


Monday, August 24, 2009

One day off

When you read this title, i supposed you know which day I'm talking bout:) It was 2oth of August. ELS organized a trip to Kuala Lumpur. We didn't want to go at first as trial is coming up. Plus the H1N1 case..Somehow, we went because there's too little of us that will be going. And so, we went. It turned out to be quite fine. We managed to snap some photos and went Old Town for our dinner^.^ We went to the art exhibition, Mid Valley, Beryl's Chocolate factory and The Mines..So, here's some photo's that we took:

Awesome painting by Mr. Liew Choong Ching:

Photos with my dearly friends:

That's all for today!!! Peace and have a nice day!!
