Sunday, October 18, 2009

Smile :) by Uncle Kracker

A very nice song.
Simple lyrics with a thousand meaning.
Smile guys :)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Life 1

Hey guys, as I promised, here I come with this post.

I don't really know what I should write here. I am not running out of things to write. In fact, there's to much to be written out. Where should I start? Many things happened since I'm 'disconnected' with the internet world. Let's start with now:

Life has been pretty hectic lately. Trial, diagnostic test, exercises, add maths!! Seriously, I can barely breathe. Life is getting complicated, complicated, and complicated. Faith and trust seems to fade day by day. How is it possible to go on with life when I'm losing these two important elements. I'm really tired. I'm tired of this and that.

Despite of all those heart-breaking and emotional feelings, I have something else. I have you! Yes, you. I have supports from sis, mom, and papa, and of course my friends. They have been my best medicine and supports.. They are addictive, just like drugs!! They are the one who always keep me motivated especially sis!! *Sab, touch?? lol*

And yea, of course, there's time we broke down, fall, and failed. The most important is to get up and get back on the track. Tomorrow will be a better day. Just hold on to this, and you'll be alright.

p/s: I didn't expect what I've written up here. I thought it would be something very sad, it wasn't want I plan. And yes, I'm shock, how the negative thoughts can turn into this. Mood is swinging 24/7.. lol..

Okie guys, till then, see ya next time:


Saturday, October 10, 2009


Sorry for the long silent!!
I promise new post will be coming up very soon..
And I mean very SOON!!!
Till then, toodles :)

Sha sha