Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Under One Roof

Staying up late tonight. Dad got to work at 2 am. He's sleeping now, so, it's my duty to wake him up at 1.30am. Again, silence during the night. It feels really good. Currently listening to Two is Better than One and chatting with Leong.

Had dinner with Melvin and Leong just now at pizza hut. That explains this post's title . lol. It was fun, talked a little about this and that. Were cracking our brains to order what to eat. We finally ended up with Pizza Hut's latest pizza, fish something something. We didn't hang out long, it was around 1 1/2 to 2 hours. But it's fun though. Talked about craps. Checking on each other new phones. Yea, it was fun.

Yea. It's something like that I'm looking forward after we go our separate ways. Just a simple dinner and keeping one another updated about our plans in life. We made so many promises, but not much is kept. I mean, it's not easy to keep that all. So, a simple breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, whatever you call, it's enough.

If we manage to do that, I'm happy. It's a blue-sky-filled-with-colourful-balloons kind of happiness.

It's a happiness I found from you :)

-White Horse-


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